6 Summer Grant Opportunities for your School or Classroom
It’s that time again… yes, it is! Time to start thinking about the start of the fall school year. Really? Can’t I just relax a bit longer? Well, no one said you couldn’t do your prep work at the beach or on your deck with a tall glass of ice tea or even a margarita.
Grants to the Rescue
Are you in need of funding so you can create the classroom or curriculum of your dreams? Look no further! Whether it’s low or high tech or curriculum-based needs, there are grants available to help. Below you will find a list of awards to explore for your technology, curriculum, and professional development needs.
Grants Opportunities:
- Toshiba American Foundation (TAF) Grants for Grades 6-12: Grant deadlines are throughout the year. TAF provides grants for science and math education for classroom projects over $5,000. Go to http://www.toshiba.com/taf/612_apply.jsp for more information.
- American Honda Foundation Grants: These award amounts range from $20,000 to $75,000 and focuses on STEM, environment, job training, or literacy needs. Visit https://www.honda.com/community/applying-for-a-grant to explore the application process.
- The Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association: If you have students ages 3-18 who have been diagnosed with apraxia of speech, you can apply to receive iPads with protective cases to facilitate communication. Go to https://www.apraxia-kids.org/speech-tablets-for-apraxia/ for information on how to qualify.
- Braitmayer Foundation: Professional development grants and reform initiatives of up to $35,000 are awarded annually. Visit http://www.braitmayerfoundation.org/guidelines/ for more information.
- Les Paul Foundation: If you are looking to improve or start a music therapy program, funding can be obtained through The Les Paul Foundation. Check out https://www.lespaulfoundation.org/programs/ for an application form and guidelines.
- The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation: Grants are awarded in the fall and spring each year, ranging from $1,000 to $20,000. Go to https://www.mvdreyfusfoundation.org/application-guidelines for the application guidelines.
So take a sip of that cold refreshing beverage, soak up some rays, and start filling out those grant applications. Enjoy your summer and keep an eye out for more grant opportunities heading your way.
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